Color correction cheat sheet

Color correction cheat sheet

Learning to print in color is about using a system of opposites to balance the photograph. This is the same process in the analog darkroom and in black and white printing. You add light to make it darker, subtract light to make it brighter and add the opposite color...

What does color correct mean?

Color correction is one of the first steps in editing an photograph. When I am working with people, I get asked what makes something color correct? Does that mean the colors are real? True? Accurate? Pleasing? And, the answer is a little of all that. The big first...

Doding and Burning in Photoshop

One of my favorite ways to do dodging and burning in Adobe Photoshop is to use an Overlay blend mode layer. The process is super easy to do, easy to see where you applied the effect, and best of all completely non-destructive.

Lightroom Library Workflow

I was digging around on my computer and found a video I recorded a while back on how to use some of the tools in Lightroom’s Library Module to help you keep track of your photos. The goal of the video is to talk about some of the options that are around for you...