This week Apple, Inc announced the new iPhone 6s and 6s Plus to much fanfare and hype. By all accounts, the phone will be a runaway success toping the record-breaking sales of the iPhone 6/6 Plus.  From all the press and demos, the phone does appear to be an engineering marvel. As I read about […]

I was recently asked by a listener about what makes a good critique session. While we have talked a lot on the podcast about language and critiques, in this episode we take a deeper look at the content that, in my own experience, makes critiques valuable. While some of the ideas might seem common place […]

  A recent trip to a conference had me packing up a lot of my camera gear. To keep my own sanity and make sure that I don’t leave anything behind in the hotel room, I like to make a checklist of things to pack. This time I thought it might be helpful to look […]

I was thinking about a conversation I had with a mentor a number of years ago about how we feel when we are present in our work. I was spending way to much time on the technical and brain side of photography and not enough on the emotional. As I got sorted out what it […]

I love night photography and the tension that is created from the juxtaposition of light and shadow. The forms that move in and out of the darkness. I think it goes back to my rather fast run home from staying at a friends house to watch Alien late one night on HBO. I have little doubt […]