What is the most important camera setting for a good photograph? I always respond to this question with my classic f/8 at 1/125th of a second. It is what all my shots are done with. I even hold a patent on that setting. My feeble attempt at humor does have me thinking about what are […]

I had the pleasure of recording a class on an introduction to visual literacy or how to find more meaning in your work for the wonderful gang down at Kelby One. The class comes out later this week, but you can check out the preview here.  

As I have been thinking a lot about my own work and how I want my work to matter, it occurred to me that often times I am chasing the wrong things. Photography isn’t about finding the right style, being in the right magazine. It is about a story. The best stories are stories that […]

As a very busy month comes to a close, I got to thinking about the notion of time. I have so many tools for helping me better deal with managing my time. From multiple calendars to computer programs to help me manage my task list, I am still always at a loss for time. As […]

I love night photography and the tension that is created from the juxtaposition of light and shadow. The forms that move in and out of the darkness. I think it goes back to my rather fast run home from staying at a friends house to watch Alien late one night on HBO. I have little doubt […]