In case you missed it, last week my first class appeared over at Kelby One. I am so excited to have a class with the Kelby One team. When I first started adding digital workflows into my photographic life, I attended a Photoshop World Conference in Las Vegas. It was a great experience. Amazing […]

  A recent trip to a conference had me packing up a lot of my camera gear. To keep my own sanity and make sure that I don’t leave anything behind in the hotel room, I like to make a checklist of things to pack. This time I thought it might be helpful to look […]

As I have been thinking a lot about my own work and how I want my work to matter, it occurred to me that often times I am chasing the wrong things. Photography isn’t about finding the right style, being in the right magazine. It is about a story. The best stories are stories that […]

I was thinking about a conversation I had with a mentor a number of years ago about how we feel when we are present in our work. I was spending way to much time on the technical and brain side of photography and not enough on the emotional. As I got sorted out what it […]

As a very busy month comes to a close, I got to thinking about the notion of time. I have so many tools for helping me better deal with managing my time. From multiple calendars to computer programs to help me manage my task list, I am still always at a loss for time. As […]