This week Apple, Inc announced the new iPhone 6s and 6s Plus to much fanfare and hype. By all accounts, the phone will be a runaway success toping the record-breaking sales of the iPhone 6/6 Plus.  From all the press and demos, the phone does appear to be an engineering marvel. As I read about […]

As I have been thinking a lot about my own work and how I want my work to matter, it occurred to me that often times I am chasing the wrong things. Photography isn’t about finding the right style, being in the right magazine. It is about a story. The best stories are stories that […]

I love night photography and the tension that is created from the juxtaposition of light and shadow. The forms that move in and out of the darkness. I think it goes back to my rather fast run home from staying at a friends house to watch Alien late one night on HBO. I have little doubt […]

Perceptive Photographer Episode 11: Hot Sauce and Photography While having a few conversations with friends over the past few weeks, I was reminded that good photography is about great images. Those images are not great because of the way they are processed but rather the content they contain. What that means is that we can’t just […]

If you were going to take only one photograph today what would it be? Would you get up early and catch the sunrise over the mountains? Would you photograph your latte that you picked up from the corner coffee shop that you so religiously visit that you have been granted sainthood? Would you wander the […]