Tips about using the Adobe Lightroom develop module. Vignettes Radial Filter Targeted Adjustment Tool Power of the Alt/Option key changing the end panel graphic spot healing split toning for black and white as well as color images using grain for effect seeing RGB values as number vs percentages quick reset adjustment options  

I have recently taught a couple of workshops that focused on digital black and white photography. For both workshops we worked with Nik/Google’s Silver Efex Pro 2 and onOneSoftware’s Perfect BW. Both of these tools are great for working on images in black and white and well worth using if you haven’t seen them. For […]

Hey everyone I am really excited about a workshop that I am teaching the first weekend in August (2-4) at the Photographic Center Northwest in Seattle. Over the course of the three days will will spending time learning about how to use compositional elements other than color to create visually interesting photos while learning how […]

I am teaching a class on organizing (and finding) your digital assets at the Photographic Center Northwest on the weekend of March 2-3 from 12-4 each day. If you are looking to get a handle on your digital photographs I encourage you to sign up there are still a few seats available. We will be […]

I am currently teaching a Lightroom class and having a great time. Hopefully the other people in class can say the same. Because of the number of features and limited class time,  I agreed that if there was a topic covered in class that any student wanted covered again I would create a video and […]