The Perceptive Photographer

with host Daniel J Gregory

New episodes released every Monday!

Episode List

Framing considerations

In this week’s podcast, we talk about the importance of framing and the impacts framing has on compositions in photographs. I also make a personal plea for you to stop clicking on gear-related clickbait.

Being bold

This week on the Perceptive Photographer, we talk about the importance of being bold about your work and how you talk about your work.

Considerations for better compositions

This week on the Perceptive Photographer, we are taking at look at some key considerations or questions to ask yourself about your photographic compositions.

Where’s the fire?

In this week’s podcast, we take a look at how rushing and invoking our fight or flight responses to framing and composing our photographs can have an unintended detrimental impact on our work.

Chicken and the egg

In the podcast this week, I dive into the importance of understanding a couple of key elements about content and concept in analyzing your work. Most important are understanding the default bias you bring to your analysis and how to temper your analysis against your unwanted biases to find a deeper, more insightful meaning in your work.

Working Projects

In the podcast this week, I talk about the value of thinking of your work as projects, big and small, and how focusing on a group of images or collection of images can help you better understand your technique, vision and voice within your work.