Why I spent the day with Zack Arias

On Wednesday this week, I had the privilege to take part in Zack’s One Light Workshop in Seattle. This wasn’t my first time to get to meet and listen to Zack. I have seen him at Photoshop World, watched his course on Creative Live and I own a copy of his...

Photoshop World 2010 Vegas

I am spending the next 4 days in sunny Las Vegas for Photoshop World. Can’t wait to see all the new training on CS5 and hear some of the new instructors. I am particualarly interested in Zack Arias and Jay Maisel’s class. Scott Kelby is also teaching a new...

End of the Show

This past week I had to take down my gallery show. It was a strange punctuation on the experience. The show was titled Immersion: Experienced Spaces and it was a series of images done in platinum and palladium using an 8×10 view camera. The project took about 12...