Working with paper texture

When selecting a paper for your final photographic print, there are hundreds of options that you can choose from. These variations in materials can have a subtle or drastic impact on the experience of the print. When first starting to print, some photographers focus...

Preview of my class over at

I had the pleasure of recording a class on an introduction to visual literacy or how to find more meaning in your work for the wonderful gang down at Kelby One. The class comes out later this week, but you can check out the preview here....
Cow Cow Graveyard: The Game

Cow Cow Graveyard: The Game

Lori and I are helping out her parents by driving their car from South Dakota out to Washington while they visit the new grand baby this week. If you haven’t had the pleasure to drive across South Dakota, Montana, Idaho and Washington in 2 1/2 days you should....