tPP92 Lure of complexity

Hosted by Daniel j Gregory

December 12, 2016

Episode Number:

Complexity verse Simplicity

Often times, it seems that in my creative process I do things the hard way. I value the complexity of the process more than the outcome. As I got to thinking about why this happens, it occurs to me that there is some reward or payout for focusing on complexity over the value of the simple process. For me, I think that if we make things overly complex and hard, we allow ourselves to have an easy out when we fail. We can always say that it was just too hard to finish.

However, simple doesn’t mean easy, it just means that we were able to focus on the most important aspects of the process, photograph, or series. By focusing on the simplisity, we might not get that reward of complaining about our failures, but we might create more meaningful work.

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Interview with Dave Cross

In the podcast this week I am so excited to be joined by the amazing and wonderful Dave Cross where we talk creativity, photoshop and more.