Perceptive Photographer #30: Value of Experience

Hosted by Daniel j Gregory

October 5, 2015

Episode Number:


There is so many great things happening in photography today. The combination of technologies, history and experimentation has the art form moving in so many new and exciting directions. No matter how much technology or education is out there, it is hard to underestimate the value of experience. Sure accidents will happen, but for the most part just handing someone a camera doesn’t mean that they create amazing work. Sometimes life is amazing and a camera is put there to record it, but other times experience tells us how to observe and understand the world in front of us.  Experience gives us a stronger foundation to stand on and helps us understand how to avoid little mistakes that might have huge impacts on our work. Experience also tells us what to focus on not just in the frame but in the judgement of our own work against others and in the living day-to-day as an artist.

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