Episode 105: 2017 Workshops and Visual Literacy

Hosted by Daniel j Gregory

March 13, 2017

Episode Number:


I am excited to announce in this week’s podcast, my 2017 workshop calendar. You can learn more about the workshops here, but I am offering both in-person workshops and online workshops on a variety of topics. So no matter if you are looking to create better images behind the camera, stay organized or create amazing prints, this years’ workshops have something for everyone.

I am also teaching at Photoshop World in April as well as with CreativeLive in May. You can learn more about both of those conferences with the links above.

Visual Literacy

This past weekend I attended a lecture by Michelle Dunn Marsh on Visual Literacy. Over the course of the two hour presentation, I learned something interesting about my own work and how people see photographs. Michelle at one point made a comment along the lines of: When we connect with an image, we connect with the subject and subject matter in the photograph not the photographer.

As I got to thinking about this idea on the way home, it shifted a perspective I have had about my work and the work of others. In many ways, the most successful photographs in history are never really about the photographer. They work best when the photographer is able to get out of their own way.

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Five ways resistance can impact your photographic process

Interview with Dave Cross

In the podcast this week I am so excited to be joined by the amazing and wonderful Dave Cross where we talk creativity, photoshop and more.