tPP60: Lessons from a Leica

Hosted by Daniel j Gregory

May 2, 2016

Episode Number:

In this Episode

I found myself this week completely in love with a new Leica camera. The Leica M-D Type 262 body was announced. This camera is pretty much a standard Leica digital camera, but it lacks a digital view screen on the back of the camera. In place of the view screen is an ISO dial. So it pretty much looks like an old film Leica. Over the years, I have been been able to pretty much eliminate my GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) for camera gear. For me, gear now has to be able solving a problem. And, if I think the problem is a single time problem I rent rather than buy. Yet, this Leica seemed to haunt me all week.

Lessons from the Leica

As I got to thinking about the Leica camera, I got to wonder what it was about the camera that had me so engaged. It wasn’t the technology of the camera as I think there are other cameras who have better sensors and focusing options for the type of work I do. I also think there is huge value in the digital view screen. However, as I spent the past several days thinking about this M-D Type 262, I realized that it represented a purity and freedom in photography. You would no longer be able to look at the photos as you took them. You couldn’t stop shooting to check your shots. You would have to be present all the time. It reminded me of a more simple time in my own photography. In many ways, it represented why I still shoot film. There is a mystery, anticipation and distance that comes from not have immediate feedback. In our photography, I often times feel that  little distance can provide a wealth of information. So as I wiped the drool from my chin, I realized it wasn’t the camera per say, but rather the love of photography that the camera created in me that mattered.

I hope that as you think about new gear you are adding in your bag that you take the time to really figure out what you love about the gear. Is it a problem being solved, just something you want or does it create a ground shift in your way of thinking.

Photoshop World 2016

I an also so excited to be an instructor at Photoshop World 2016 this summer in Las Vegas. I am teaching four classes and I would love to see you down there this July. You can find more information over at

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In the podcast this week I am so excited to be joined by the amazing and wonderful Dave Cross where we talk creativity, photoshop and more.