Perceptive Photographer Episode 16: Impact of Time

Hosted by Daniel j Gregory

June 29, 2015

Episode Number:


As a very busy month comes to a close, I got to thinking about the notion of time. I have so many tools for helping me better deal with managing my time. From multiple calendars to computer programs to help me manage my task list, I am still always at a loss for time.

As I was working on getting ahead, I got to think about how my approach to time might be seen in my photographs. With a tendency to prefer to shoot longer shutter speed images, it got me thinking about the idea that maybe my subconscious was interested in extending time and the only way was in my photographs. So in in this podcast, I take a look at the notion of time and how it can impact not just how we shoot images but also how we examine the image and ultimately the photographer.


Links mentioned in Podcast
The Photographer’s Eye*


*Amazon affilate link.

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Five ways resistance can impact your photographic process

Interview with Dave Cross

In the podcast this week I am so excited to be joined by the amazing and wonderful Dave Cross where we talk creativity, photoshop and more.