I was digging around on my computer and found a video I recorded a while back on how to use some of the tools in Lightroom’s Library Module to help you keep track of your photos. The goal of the video is to talk about some of the options that are around for you to […]

Tips about using the Adobe Lightroom develop module. Vignettes Radial Filter Targeted Adjustment Tool Power of the Alt/Option key changing the end panel graphic spot healing split toning for black and white as well as color images using grain for effect seeing RGB values as number vs percentages quick reset adjustment options  

I sometimes get asked about how I get started in the editing of a image. So over the past weekend, I created a quick video that talks about how I think about an image and some of the concepts that I think about when working on a new image. While each image is unique, these […]

I was recently asked by a friend of mine about an issue she was having in Lightroom 3 with her workflow. She had made the decision to convert her images to DNG files on import and wanted to use the feature in Lightroom’s import dialog box to make a backup copy of the original file […]

While there are a lot of great new features in Lightroom 4 that I’ll be discussing in the coming months, there are some small things that I have noticed in my first few days of working with the final version that I thought I would pass along. Most of these aren’t significant changes, but I […]