We don’t have many four-legged predators on Whidbey Island. Other than the occasional lost bear who makes the swim to the island, the coyote stands as the “apex predator”. For all the times I hear them yipping and barking, I don’t see them often around our property. However, if you venture out into the fields around the island, they are pretty much on all parts of the island.

I am always amazed at how well they can blend into the grass when they want to. So many times, seeing wildlife comes down to really looking for something that sticks out a little and being patient to see if it moves. Of course, high powered binoculars help too. This guy as several hundred yards off in the tall grass. Even being that far away, he was more interested in what direction I was headed than anything else.

When I first spotted him, he was laying down in the grass waiting on something to stir for a shot at a late afternoon meal. Off in the distance, I could only see a little tip of his ears through the binoculars at first. Eventually, he got up and wandered around the field in no particular hurry. We eventually exchanged a glance through the glass of the camera lens and he was gone.