My amazing spouse  Lori Kane and her partner in crime Bas de Baar have released their new site Different Office. It is a site that is dedicated to people who have self-created, soul-satisfying work spaces. They have been working on collecting stories for a few weeks now and the first one is up and live.

I have been lucky to have the opportunity to work my photography into some the various stories that they are writing when my schedule allows. For the most part, it is a great experience of hearing from people who love what they do and love the space the work. It has been a great motivator for me and my photography goals. One of the biggest challenges is to try to find a way to photograph the work spaces in a way that really shows the passion, personality and heart of the person and the space.

I spend some time getting a tour of the space and then listen to the interview for a bit and then try to find the things that resonated with me in their stories and focusing in on what really lit them up during the tour. Then I try to photography in a way that captures that excitement. For me this has been interesting as  it has me pushed out of my comfort zone in some cases. I find that I push the point of view, processing, and artistic choices a little differently knowing that I am trying to capture not just what I find interesting, but also what relates to the person.

On a side note, my wife has a great sense of humor and I found this little nugget on the Different Office site.

Crappy photography by Bas and Lori.
Really good photography by our spouses: Simone (for Bas’ stories) and Daniel (for Lori’s stories).

Unfortunately they don’t note which are which in the story and we are left to wonder. 🙂